Archive for 2014

It's Twitter's Birthday!

Image taken from wikipedia

Assalamualaikum and good day to everyone! I have to make it fast because in just one hour, it will be a new day here in Malaysia and this story will get expired by then.

So today is the Twitter's 8th birthday (correct me if I'm wrong) right? 21st March 2006 according to wikipedia. Therefore today twitter allows us to see our, OR ANYBODY ELSE'S first tweet. So go on, stalk your crush, take a look at their first tweet. I did view a few of my friends' tweet and make fun of it. So, this is my first tweet:

Remember? of course not... me neither. You can check your (or other's) first tweet by click here.

Ok, that's all. see you later...

Friday 21 March 2014
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

WrestleMania 30: Transition to the New Era?

Image taken from here

It's been a while since I wrote about wrestling and honestly it's quite awkward to write back. So please excuse me for the awkwardness that you'll perhaps encounter throughout this entry. Wrestlemania XXX (it means 30) is just 3 weeks away on 6th April (or 7th according to your timezone). From my personal opinion, there are so much things happening right now that it actually shows us the new direction toward this business.

Young Guns Jumping On

You just cannot deny the fact that many young talent nowadays get pushed by the WWE. Just look at Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt(both are on the poster), Roman Reign and Antonio Cesaro (okay, just Cesaro). Plus, they back it up with superb performance. The audience are backing they up. WWE really made great return on that NXT investment. That means the very talented midcarders like Dolph Ziggler, Tyson Kidd, heck, even Alberto Del Rio left behind because of these young talented rising stars. The crowd still chanting "We Want Ziggler" on each show. I know it because I want it to. He is one of the best seller in my book. Even when he had to be a jobber, he do it well and of course, stealing the show. I feel sorry and disappointed for him. This is the problem WWE are facing right now, (this is just my opinion, you don't have to agree if you want to) the "pool of talent" that WWE have is too many, it's "spilling off". And then you see familiar face like Ethan Carter III on TNA. Of course it's so obvious that he is Derrick Bateman from NXT. It's not wrong having so many talent on the roster, I just believe if only they can have a good build up story line, that will be great for TV. But I know I just can hope and honestly, managing so many talent is a real pain in the A$$.

Fans Perspective

WWE fans (damn it, I don't want to use universe, it's too cheesy) is very different on the previous era. Fans nowadays watching wrestling for a good match, and smooth story line. We (I include myself into the universe) treated it as we watch other TV series. We know it is scripted, not like before that the fans take some serious heat to the wrestler, basically a heel. We nowadays appreciate well executed wrestling maneuver and good, entertaining story line. We even cheer for a heel. We don't dig wrestlers with big, bulky muscular man anymore. As long they perform on the ring and entertained us, we're fine. We are more appreciating good performers than individual themselves. That is what happened to poor Batista. He did a comeback, won Royal Rumble and straight away get a main event spot in WrestleMania for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship? That is pissing CM Punk thus left WWE for good. And just like he said in his infamous pipebomb,

I'm just a spoke on the wheel -- the wheel's gonna keep turning. And I understand that...
People will still buy PPV, watch RAW and SmackDown (I know I do) and bought merchandises. However Punk, personally I still miss you, your pipebomb and your in-ring action. If you ever feel want to make a comeback, I will cheer you. From my living room (or wherever I am).


As a conclusion, WWE need to adapt with this new direction of the wants of the fans. With their WWE Network (still not available in Malaysia, why Vince, why?), they're heading a little bit to the right direction and I hope to see more quality matches and story lines in the future. Or else I'll stop watching WWE and watching TNA. (I'm joking, TNA has best matches, but sucks at their story line). A lot of young and talented wrestlers waiting their turn to barge in to the main roster.

See you later,
Saturday 15 March 2014
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Allah dah tunjuk kuasa-Nya

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung InfinitesaneDaily. Ketika ini, entri ini ditulis saya berada didalam bas dari Klang pulang ke rumah.
Hari ini saya pergi berbelanja baucar buku 1 Malaysia saya. Cerita lanjut di "diari" aka blog saya satu lagi.

Saya tiba di Klang dari Kuala Lumpur pada ketika azan maghrib berkumandang. Maka saya langkahkan kaki yang makin lenguh ni ke masjid Klang yang "separuh terapung" di atas Sungai Klang. Pandangan dari jambatan sangat kabur dek kerana jerebu kuat yang melanda Klang. Dalam minggu ini, hari inilah jerebu yang paling teruk pada pandangan saya.

Masjid Klang yang nampak kabur di kala senja

Seusai solat maghrib berjemaah (makmum masbuk je, lambat sikit masa sampai), sebelum imam meneruskan aktiviti, imam memberi tazkirah yang mengingatkan kita betapa Allah sedang menguji kita, jerebu yang makin teruk, tentang kiamat hari Jumaat dan dajjal dan sebagainya. Maka imam menyarankan agar dikurangkan urusan duniawi dan memperbanyakkan urusan ukhrawi.

Bukanlah tujuan saya membuka aib saya sendiri, tapi pengakuan saya ini diharap dapat juga dijadikan iktibar buat pembaca sekalian. Saya sering diberi ruang dan peluang dari Allah untuk beribadat di surau. Apa maksudnya? Maksudnya sepanjang hidup saya sejak saya baligh, surau dan tempat tinggal saya tak pernah jaraknya lebih dari 200meter! Rumah ibu bapa saya di klang, rumah sewa masa di parit raja dulu dan kini rumah sewa di bangi, semuanya dekat dengan surau. Tapi malangnya amat jarang sekali saya mengerjakan solat berjemaah. Bukankah tanggungjawab seorang lelaki untuk solat berjemaah? Malangnya, saya bukan baik. Semasa saya belajar di UTHM dahulu, bila saya pulang ke klang, saya agak rajin berjemaah. Tapi kini bila saya gagal menghabiskan pengajian, dan kembali mengambil diploma, saya berhenti berjemaah, kerana apa? Kerana saya malu bila orang tanya apa saya buat sekarang. Alasan yang tak boleh diterima walaupun sampai sekarang saya berpegang dengan alasan itu. Malu orang lain saya ambil pusing, malu pada Allah? mana nak letak? Alhamdulillah, perjalanan hari ini dapat peluang solat berjemaah. Betul kata orang, nak berubah biar sikit-sikit. Tapi dalam kes solat berjemaah ni, sebenarnya wajib pada saya lelaki menunaikan secara berjemaah.

Memang zaman ini zaman yang banyak fitnah. Fitnah di sana sini. Bencana melanda di merata tempat. Ujian demi ujian Allah turunkan menunjukkan betapa hebatnya kuasa Dia. Semua itu menunjukkan dunia ini dah hampir ke akhir zaman. Sama-samalah kita berdoa agar dijauhi ftnah akhir zaman dan fitnah dajjal. Saya mengamalkan doa ini selepas membaca tahiyyat akhir:
"Allahumma inni a'uzubika min 'azabil qubr wa min 'azabinnar, wa min fitnati mahya wal mamat, wa min fitnati masiihiddajjal"
Doa ini memohon agar dilindungi dari azab kubur dan neraka, dilindungi dari fitnah hidup dan mati, juga dari fitnah dajjal.

Sama-sama berubah menjadi lebih baik.
Thursday 13 March 2014
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0
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InfiniteSane Daily is back! But... (English/Malay)

create your meme yourself at


Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all visitors (not sure if there're still any) Infinitesane Daily. After almost 7 months this blog being abandon, I decided to resurrect it back. Don't hope too much, I'm still not able to give 100% commitment to this blog. Unfortunately, I will not able to "revamp" the whole blog. The interface might be just the same.

However, the Daily Dose will not exist anymore after this. The Daily Dose concept will just refrain Infinitesane Daily to update any news/stories as fast as we can. I will also try to find any contributor to write here. I guess this is all for now. I'll see you again next post.


Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung (tak pasti samada masih ada) Infinitesane Daily. Selepas hampir 7 bulan blog ini terbengkalai, saya mengambil keputusan untuk "membangkitkan" semula. Tapi jangan terlalu berharap sangat, saya masih tak dapat memberi 100% komitmen kepada blog ini. Malangnya, saya tak dapat mengubahsuai seluruh blog ini. Antaramukanya kebarangkaliannya adalah sama.

Walaubagaimanapun, Daily Dose tak akan wujud lagi selepas ini. Konsep Daily Dose hanya akan menyekat Infinitesane Daily untuk mengemaskini berita/cerita sepantas mungkin. Saya juga akan cuba mencari penyumbang untuk menulis di sini. Sampai di sini sahaja dahulu. Jumpa lagi di entri akan datang.

Monday 10 March 2014
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

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