Archive for June 2012

Consistency and The Plan

This guy defeated Taufik Hidayat in the second round but lost to a young Chinese player. Photo taken from here

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Sporty Saturday". Actually, it's Sunday already here but I'm honestly start to feel lazy to write nowadays. I'm skipping yesterday "Berkat Jumaat", I'm not yet write anything from EURO 2012 quarter final matches. It's because I will be gone for a while from this blog. But I hope I'm not too away from the blog. You know, some "unsettled business" to be done. So maybe I'll skip a few days because of my commitment. Nonetheless, lets make it fast.

You know there is Singapore Open this week? Perhaps you don't know much because there are not many superstars playing in that tournament. Unfortunately, none of our players manage to go through final. Not even Hafiz Hashim. I know that is not a surprise anymore. There is one representative from Malaysia that manage to go to the semi final. The number one mixed double pair in Malaysia, Chan Peng Soon-Goh Liu Ying. They are the 3rd seeded in the tournament. They lost to the 2nd seeded in the tournament which are the same opponent they lost in the Australia Open earlier this year. Comparing the two matches, this time they lost quite easily to the Chinese Taipei pair. Don't know what's their problem.

Despite of that unfortunate event, there were some upset that some players made. Especially from the single male player. I give you two of them. Chong Wei Feng (picture above) won against Taufik Hidayat in a straight set. And Liew Daren won against the 2nd seeded of the tournament, Lee Hyun-Ill from Korea. However, the problem is they are not consistent. They need that to be the top players on the world. That's all. Sometime they play very well, the next day they played really bad. That is what they need to avoid.

I just watch local sports news today that Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) are planning to do a long term program, which each year 20 million will be spent on the program for 12 years. I HOPE it will be a success program. Or else, it's just a waste of money.

I think that's all for now, See you guys later, InsyaAllah.
Hasta luego,
Mata ne,


p/s: Lee Chong Wei is now not the No. 1 player in the world. Lin Dan took over right now. He's 2nd now.
pp/s: Malaysia U22 team faced Korea U22 earlier today, if only they didn't made mistakes in the first half they maybe manage to draw or win the match.
Sunday 24 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

No Actual Entry Today

Image taken from here

Yup, no actual entry for today. I'm actually busy right now. But, I'll leave you a video. A debate about street protester. But, that's in Malay. However, there's many things to do. One of them is to write an essay. It's been a while since I wrote an essay. I mean, write thing in 300 words. Hope I'll get enough idea to write an awesome one.

Image taken from here

Thursday 21 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

I'm Mad Right Now!

This was found here
Wednesday 20 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Microsoft Tablet is Now on Surface (yes, pun intended)

Photo taken from this gallery

Assalamualaikum and welcome to todays "Techy Tuesday". Recently Microsoft told us that they wanted to release their own tablet. And now they've released it and it's called "surface"

I'm really sorry for todays short entry. I don't read much yet about this device. I just know it from the news a few hours ago. I have to watch tonight Super League, WWE RAW and EURO 2012. So, I can't make research much during this EURO season. Because they have matches everyday. But after the group stage, I think there is some few rest day. So, I can give commitment later. So for today, I'll just give you the hands-on. Even I'm not yet watch this video:
You can read this hands-on review here

Sorry again for a short entry. See you guys tomorrow, InsyaAllah.
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Tuesday 19 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Azwan Ali: Terlebih Sudah?

Gambar diambil dari sini

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane. Selamat datang ke "Mega Monday" hari ini. Hari ini saya harap akan jadi entri pendek kerana saya hendak menonton WWE No Way Out yang saya terlepas pagi tadi. jadi saya memilih subjek Azwan Ali di Masterchef Selebriti.

Ramai yang menonton Masterchef Selebriti. Ramai juga yang tidak suka akan karenah Azwan Ali. Saya secara personally, memang tidak gemar dengan attitude dia. Tapi dari segi yang lain, kehadiran Azwan Ali sangat ditagih untuk menghidupkan susasana. Rancangan realiti. Secara logiknya, ia perlukan daya tarikan untuk menarik penonton menonton rancangan tersebut.

Sepertimana kita tahu, Masterchef Malaysia musim pertama tidak terlalu banyak drama yang dapat kita saksikan. Hanya emosi sedih dan kegigihan sahaja yang dapat dipertontonkan. Inilah masanya, dengan adanya penglibatan selebriti, adalah diharapkan dapat menghidupkan drama dalam pertandingan. Maka dapatlah kita melihat pergaduhan dan antagonis serta protagonis dalam rancangan ini. Kalau anda pernah menonton Masterchef America, watak antagonisnya adalah Christian yang bongkak dan sering merasakan bahawa dia sahajalah yang betul. Malah, dia pernah tak sebulu dengan juri. Jurinya juga pandai berdrama. Jadi, dapatlah saya katakan ianya sukses.

Begitu juga dengan Masterchef Selebriti Malaysia. Azwan Ali, Raja Azmi dapat menghidupkan emosi benci kepada penonton. Fazley pula memainkan wataknya sebagai "orang baik" dengan baik, kerana memang begitu sikapnya di luar. Angah dapat menghiburkan penonton dengan gurauannya. Sayangnya Raja Azmi telahpun tersingkir. Saya berharap Azwan Ali dapat kekal sehingga sekurang-kurangnya 4 terakhir.

Apa pula isunya? Isunya adalah bila Azwan Ali menuduh Raja Azmi menggunakan "Mak Esah" atau bomoh untuk memenangi sebuah cabaran. Saya merasakan ianya agak keterlaluan apabila dia menuduh sedemikian rupa. Kalau Raja Azmi menggunakan bomoh, mengapa dia tidak memenangi tiap-tiap cabaran? Dan bagaimana pula dia boleh tersingkir sekiranya benar dia menggunakan bomoh? Mungkin Azwan hanya dalam karekter(Tiada buruk sangka). Tetapi dia telah melampaui batas. Dia boleh merasakan dirinya paling bagus, tetapi dengan menuduh Raja Azmi menggunakan bomoh boleh menyebabkan lelaki yang telah mengerjakan umrah ini mendapat dosa kering. Janganlah persiakan umrah anda itu wahai Azwan Ali.

Sampai disini sahaja, jumpa lagi esok hari dalam "Techy Tuesday" InsyaAllah. Saya doakan saudara kita, Muslim Rohingya di Myanmar mendapat pengadilan yang sewajarnya. Begitu juga dengan saudara-mara kita yang ditindas di luar sana agar beroleh kekuatan dan kemenangan dari Allah SWT.

See you tomorrow,
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Monday 18 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

What Hopefully Excite Me in Tonight No Way Out

Photo taken from

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Sunday Sunnyday". It's already Monday here but it's still Sunday noon in certain place right? Before I start with today entry about "tonight" PPV; No Way Out, I would like to congratulate TNA for a very entertaining PPV last week. Most of the matches were good. The first match is one of my favorite in that PPV. But my most favorite match was certainly the tag team championship match. And this is Christian (or Christian Cage in TNA) making appearance in the TNA Slammiversary last week. He's the current WWE Intercontinental Champion. I couldn't help but notice the "PEEPle Power" sign in the TNA event. Just watch it here:

Moving on, (I need to make it fast) I have a few matches that I've been waited for this PPV. Overall, Tuxedo Match will be a joke match unless something happen. I'm not going to say it because WWE tend not to granted fans story line suggestions. I'll maybe watch it to get something to laugh about. Divas Match? I actually hope for a good divas match like in NXT this week but there was not so much build up so it's kinda bores me. Main event? I'm really not hoping much on that match even though it's a steel cage match. It's just an acting with not much wrestling action. I'm not saying Cena is bad or Big Show is bad in wrestling, Cena is strong. I think nobody can't deny that. But watching him wrestle, I'm not entertained much. So, I'll throw this match out of my pick. I'll just wait for the ending. What I'm waited for are:

Christian (c) vs Cody Rhodes for Intercontinental Championship.

Christian is very experienced wrestler. I can't deny his work quality. As for Cody Rhodes, he never fail to entertain me. Even though he's a heel. He's done a good job.

CM Punk (c) vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane with AJ for WWE Championship.

This is by far the best story line of 2012. I really can't predict who's gonna win the match. How will AJ affect CM Punk and Kane or maybe Daniel Bryan? Sadly this is not the main event. But at least this story line is good and entertaining. I can't wait to watch this match.

Sheamus (c) vs Dolph Ziggler for World Heavyweight Championship.

Dolph Ziggler was just a replacement for Alberto Del Rio (ADR) for the championship when ADR got injured. But I have said before that Ziggler need to be pushed because he is talented and entertaining. Even though I still think that Sheamus will win tonight, I hope they put up a good match.

"Tweet & Sign of the Week" this time is from Santino Marella twitter that he was posted a picture of the "Youngest Santino Fan". This is the tweet:

As for the sign of the week, come from this week edition of SmackDown.

Yes, Ry-berg instead of Ryback. Most of the fans always chanting him "Goldberg" when he's in action. Some people even called him Goldberg in RVD suit. He look like Goldberg and wearing RVD "attire". So, the sign is actually "entertain" me. I just hope WWE start feeding him with a legit wrestler instead of local wrestlers.

That's all for now. See you guys tomorrow, InsyaAllah. It took me almost an hour to write this.
Hasta manana,
Mata ashita,

Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

No Pressure for Koo-Tan; Zulfahmi Qualifying Result

Photo taken from yahoo

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today's "Sporty Saturday". Today will be almost the same entry as the previous week. But last week was the "Malay Week". Last week I talked about Lee Chong Wei (LCW) opportunity to win the gold medal in Olympic. Well quite frankly, his chances to win the gold medal become almost impossible. I'm not saying it's impossible, but logically he's not gonna win the medal. Although I always hope I was wrong.

But this week, I want to talk about Koo Kien Kiat - Tan Boon Heong. The number one men double in our country. Once we know LCW's injury, some of us maybe try to divert the attention to the double who's on the 8th ranking of the world. But believe me, I personally didn't put ANY hope to these two boys. I don't know since when but they're being inconsistent each and every time. Someday they won against a superior opponent, someday they lose to unknown opponent. Bottom line, they're not in the spot to win the medal. Maybe bronze at their best.

Lastly, (I know, short entry) Zulfahmi Khairuddin, Malaysian Moto3 rider, got the 8th place in the starting grid for tomorrow race in Silverstone. This is the full result of the Moto3 qualifying round:
1. Maverick Viñales SPA (FTR Honda) 2m 16.187s
2. Efren Vazquez SPA (FTR Honda) 2m 16.385s
3. Alexis Masbou FRA (Honda) 2m 17.043s
4. Sandro Cortese GER (KTM) 2m 17.123s
5. Danny Kent GBR (KTM) 2m 17.337s
6. Luis Salom SPA (Kalex KTM) 2m 17.485s
7. Louis Rossi FRA (FTR Honda) 2m 17.539s
8. Zulfahmi Khairuddin MAL (KTM) 2m 17.873s
9. Romano Fenati ITA (FTR Honda) 2m 17.904s
10. Alex Rins SPA (Suter Honda) 2m 17.908s
11. Miguel Oliveira POR (Suter Honda) 2m 18.090s
12. Alessandro Tonucci ITA (FTR Honda) 2m 18.151s
13. Niccolò Antonelli ITA (FTR Honda) 2m 18.238s
14. Jakub Kornfeil CZE (FTR Honda) 2m 18.422s
15. Arthur Sissis AUS (KTM) 2m 18.535s

Source from
Saturday 16 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Infinitesane Daily Features You Might Not Know

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today's entry. Infinitesane Daily was on the break yesterday. But, it was because I'm too tired to do things. It's really hot right here now. So, I just thought that you might not know much about the features in Infinitesane Daily. Well, I kinda have tell you the features in the image above though. Also, I tagged this entry as "Wednesday Wonder" and "Thursday Thriller".

But, before we start, I would like to help my friend from Morocco to win a prize that will make her go to China for TWO MOTNHS!!! So, please vote her in her video below. But, you need to vote for her in the original video page here <-- Vote her there, PLEASE. I just re-upload her video into youtube so I can embed the video here.

If you wonder what she was doing, she was reciting a Chinese poem and singing a Chinese song. Please vote for her AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!. The competition ends this weekend.

So, back to our topic. As you can see from the featured image above, there are some features that you might not know because you don't know it's clickable. There are:

- Chat With Me!
- Live Streaming Sports
- Tabs
- Sharing Tools
- Mini Tabs


So, lets make a quick review on the header part. There are few things on the header;

- Infinitesane Daily Logo

Nothing much to tell you. As usual, when you click the logo, it will direct you to the homepage.

Few Links

- Home

Do the same thing as the logo did.

- Chat With Me!

Actually, Infinitesane Daily author (That's me!) have thought that maybe he can interact with the visitors who came by. So, I put a page that will help you reach me. Once you have reached the page, you will see a widget. Whenever I'm online, the indicator will shows you that I'm online. Then, you put your name in the Nickname space. Then, type your message and I'll get your message in just a few seconds! This is the video that will help you:

- Live Streaming Sports

You don't have to worry to click this link. It will direct you to my another blog, "between the post". There you can click the links that redirect you to the website that host the live streaming video. Don't worry, I always watch it there.

- Sitemap

Lost? Worry not. Just click the sitemap, and find what you want by categories.

- Search Box

Still don't found what you want? Maybe you just need to type in what you want to find in the Search Box.


Finish with the header. Then, you found this row of tabs;

Also, nothing much to say about this tabs. It is actually labels/tags/categories of entries. If you want to find entries related to what category that you want, just find it on the tab bar above. It's pretty much like sitemap, but more stylish. If you still confuse how to use it, just click sitemap.

Sharing Tools

Usually, the sharing button placed under each entries right? But this time you can share the entries or even the homepage at the top right sidebar where you can also find my twitter, facebook and other subscribing tools. Simplified image below:

Mini Tabs

Lastly, I think maybe a lot of you don't notice this feature. The mini tabs. See the shoutbox under sharing tools? Notice there are two other tabs above it? You actually can click the tabs. I don't have to say much, I just recorded the video to help you understand it better.

Almost forget, the featured post that you see at the homepage will not appear in the entries. And in the "Sports" tab in the football/soccer/hockey category, When you click it, it will direct you to my other blog. It's because all story and news about football/soccer/hockey is on there.

That's all for today. A quite long entry to cover yesterday and today entries. See you tomorrow on "Berkat Jumaat", InsyaAllah.

Hasta manana,
Mata ashita,

Thursday 14 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Apple "Next-Generation" MacBook Pro Announced at WWDC Yesterday

What the heck? Photo taken from

Assalamualaikum and very warm welcome to today's "Techy Tuesday". Actually it's already Wednesday here in Malaysia but I know there's still many part of the world still in Tuesday. So, I'm sorry for a short entry because this news is still new. Last night actually, and I didn't read much about it because there's a lot of things going on right now. I'll just tell you the news and sources. You can read thoroughly there.

Last night, as I was watching France vs England, I was also checking on my twitter for updates on Worldwide Developers Conferences (WWDC) 2012. So, Apple (not the fruit) has launched their new product which is the "New-Generation" MacBook Pro.

I don't know much about it, I didn't read anything about that yet. But, I've heard that there is no more google map. Instead it will be a apple map. Apple map? A map that shows you the nearest apple you can get? Jokes aside, it is actually google map but re-branded as an apple app. I think it's the thinnest laptop on the market? You can check on the hands on here. <--click here

Is this thin enough to satisfy you? Photo from the hands on link above

Again, I can't say much. I don't read thoroughly any of their specs. So, I'm just judging the book by its cover. You can say me an apple hater because I'm a Sony Boy! YEAH!!! Sony Rules!

Nonetheless, it's look good, stylish as usual. Apple always put elegance into their design. And put a price on it. Sorry, apple haters statement. See you guys tomorrow, InsyaAllah. Before I leave, I just need to tell you why I'm posting this entry really late. Malaysia was in a friendly match tonight against arc-rival, Singapore. And Malaysia WON! How good is that? And then I watch WWE RAW and since it's 3 hours show, it ended quite late tonight. And right now Greece is facing Czech Republic in their second fixture in UEFA EURO 2012 Group A. I'll tell you guys about that a little later when I update my other blog, "Between the Post"

Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Wednesday 13 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Maher Zain Live Concert in Malaysia this Weekend!

You can buy your ticket online here

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Mega Monday". Maher Zain is now back in Malaysia! Why? because now he's doing a world tour for his recent album. And guess what? Malaysia is on the list! To be exact, THIS WEEKEND! You can buy the ticket online from the link I gave above or just call the number on the poster.

For those who want to know the seat arrangement, this is the map:
You can click the image for the original size

I'm unfortunately not going to that concert because I can't afford the ticket of course. But for those who actually afford it, I urge you to go there, it's a healthy entertainment yo! And here is Maher Zain message about his concert in Merdeka Stadium this weekend:

Before I end this entry, I would like to share his newest video clip from the latest album, "Forgive Me". This is "So Soon" video clip:

Until then, see you later tomorrow, InsyaAllah.
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Monday 11 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

E2: F1 Canadian Grand Prix, Montreal

Picture source here

Full result and picture, credit to

1. Lewis Hamilton - Britain - McLaren-Mercedes
2. Romain Grosjean - France - Lotus-Renault
3. Sergio Perez - Mexico - Sauber-Ferrari
4. Sebastian Vettel - Germany - Red Bull-Renault
5. Fernando Alonso - Spain - Ferrari-Ferrari
6. Nico Rosberg - Germany - Mercedes-Mercedes
7. Mark Webber - Australia - Red Bull-Renault
8. Kimi Raikkonen - Finland - Lotus-Renault
9. Kamui Kobayashi - Japan - Sauber-Ferrari
10. Felipe Massa - Brazil - Ferrari-Ferrari

11. Paul di Resta - Britain - Force India-Mercedes
12. Nico Hulkenberg - Germany - Force India-Mercedes
13. Pastor Maldonado - Venezuela - Williams-Renault
14. Daniel Ricciardo - Australia - Toro Rosso-Ferrari
15. Jean-Eric Vergne - France - Toro Rosso-Ferrari
16. Jenson Button - Britain - McLaren-Mercedes
17. Bruno Senna - Brazil - Williams-Renault
18. Heikki Kovalainen - Finland - Caterham-Renault
19. Vitaly Petrov - Russia - Caterham-Renault
20 Charles Pic - France - Marussia -Cosworth

Rtd Timo Glock - Germany - Marussia -Cosworth
Rtd Michael Schumacher - Germany - Mercedes-Mercedes
Rtd Pedro de la Rosa - Spain - HRT-Cosworth
Rtd Narain Karthikeyan - India - HRT-Cosworth

Fastest lap:

Sebastian Vettel - Germany - Red Bull-Renault - 1m 15.752s - lap 70

p/s: Bad luck to Michael Schumacher...AGAIN!
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Congratulation TNA! 10th anniversary!

Image taken from here

Assalamualaikum and welcome to todays "Sunday Sunnyday". First of all I would like to apology to all of you who follow "Sunday Sunnyday" (if there's any). Last week, I told you I'll talk about WWE "No Way Out" right? But I'm not gonna talk about it this entry. I'll postpone that until next week. This week, I'll talk about tomorrow (tonight in USA) TNA pay-per-view, Slammiversary. This is their 10th Slammiversary which means it is the 10th anniversary to TNA, Total Nonstop Action! Congratulation. You've made TNA quite famous for just a decade. I know, most Malaysian don't know what TNA is. But, you've made name on several country around the world. Kudos!

So, Lets just make a brief review on the match cards for tomorrow (tonight). I got the match lineup from the image source above.

There is the first TNA Wrestling Hall of Fame will be announce tomorrow. Who will get inducted? Lets just wait and see...

World Heavyweight Championship match:

Bobby Roode (c) vs. "The Icon" Sting

I think Sting is too old for the Championship already. But you know, most TNA superstars are old and the ex-WWE superstars. But, TNA always serves us a great wrestling match. Will Bobby Roode retaining his reign? As he is already the longest reigning champion of all time.


Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Mr. Anderson

All of them are ex-WWE superstars as I was said before. And if you don't know who Mr. Anderson, he's Mr. Kennedy in WWE. Winner from this match will face the winner of World Heavyweight Champion next Thursday on Impact! wrestling for the title.


Christopher Daniels & Kazarian (c) vs. AJ Styles & Kurt Angle

Well, there is a story line in this match. I just hope I can watch good wrestling.


Brooke Tessmacher vs. Gail Kim (c)

For those who don't know what is the knockouts division is, it is the women division in TNA. Compared to WWE, TNA women division are much better. They really wrestle, and some of them pretty too. As for WWE, you can only watch them in NXT or Superstars. TNA treat women division fairly.

Bully Ray vs. Joseph Park

This match also a story line match. Joseph Park is the brother of a TNA wrestler, abyss who had been lost for quite some time. He is an attorney and suspect Bully Ray (Buh Buh Ray in Dudley Boyz in WWE) responsible for the loss. Bully Ray then make a match in Slammiversary against Joseph Park. What interesting is fans has already predict that abyss and Joseph Park is actually the same guy with split personality. Abyss has made some appearance but without Joseph Park anywhere. And Abyss told that he'll be at Slammiversary tomorrow. If the story line that fans predict is right, I hope TNA creative team will not change it. It's okay sometime a story line being predicted. It's somehow show what the fans want.

And this is the rest of the matches:

Samoa Joe vs. X Division Champion Austin Aries (X Division is actually a cruiser weight division)

TV Champion: Devon (also from the Dudley Boyz from WWE) & Garett Bischoff vs. Robbie E & Robbie T

Crimson's Open Challenge

Kid Kash vs. Hernandez

Lets just enjoy tomorrow good wrestling.

You think I forgot "Tweet & Sign of the Week"? I'm not. But unfortunately, I can't find any interesting sign this week. But, I have a tweet that come from TNA president, Dixie Carter:

So Christian, current WWE Intercontinental Champion, ex-TNA superstars will be there at Slammiversary tomorrow? Looking forward...

Until now, See you tomorrow, InsyaAllah.
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Sunday 10 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Tak Apa Chong Wei; Tiada Tekanan Buat Anda!

Gambar diambil dari sini

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada pengunjung Infinitesane Daily. Saya agak lambat hari ini kerana saya keluar dan baru pulang sebentar tadi. Sebelum saya memulakan entri hari ini, saya ingin memberitahu yang ini adalah entri terakhir bagi minggu bahasa melayu ini. Sepertimana "Berkat Jumaat" yang sering ditulis dalam bahasa melayu, begitu juga dengan "Sunday Sunnyday". "Sunday Sunnyday" adalah entri yang berkaitan dengan wrestling. Agak canggung bila menulis tentang wrestling dalam bahasa melayu. Makanya, esok akan kembali semula berbahasa Inggeris. Bila lagi "minggu bahasa melayu"? Tiada jawapan kerana saya akan memilih minggunya secara rawak dalam bulan tersebut.

Kembali kita kepada topik hari ini. Saya berharap entri ini pendek kerana saya belum mandi lagi dan perlu segera mandi. Lee Chong Wei (LCW) menjadi sandaran Malaysia untuk merangkul emas pertama Malaysia dalam sukan Olimpik. Namun, kecederaan yang dialami semasa Piala Thomas semasa menentang Thomas membuatkan peminat tertanya-tanya tentang peluang beliau untuk mendapatkan emas pertama sukan Olimpik.

~Secara logikalnya~

Secara logiknya, peluang LCW untuk merangkul emas semakin tipis. Ini diakui oleh jurulatih beliau. Beliau mungkin tak dapat mencapai prestasi terbaiknya pada sukan Olimpik ini. Begitu Juga dengan pendapat orang ramai.


Orang ramai bukanlah mengharapkan kegagalan LCW dalam pertandingan ini. Kami sentiasa berharap agar beliau berjaya dalam segala yang beliau lakukan dalam mengharumkan nama negara. Kami cuma menjadi realistik. Secara realistik, peluangnya sudah tidak lagi terlalu cerah untuk merangkul pingat emas. Ini adalah supaya LCW tidak merasa bebanan dan tekanan semasa menghadapi perlawanan beliau. Supaya beliau tahu yang rakyat Malaysia tak akan menyalahkan beliau andainya prestasi beliau tidak memberangsangkan. Cuma saya kasihan jika beliau gagal kali ini. Ini mungkin Olimpik terakhir beliau, jadi sangatlah mengecewakan andainya sebagai pemain nombor satu dunia beliau gagal merangkul emas dalam olimpik. Saya juga secara peribadi tidak mengharapkan beregu Koo Kien Kiat/Tan Boon Heong untuk merangkul emas. Mereka sangat tidak konsisten beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini. Oleh itu, tiada tekanan buat pemain badminton Malaysia di Olimpik kali ini.


Saya berharap agar BAM dapat melunaskan janji mereka untuk menghasilkan generasi baru Malaysia yang akan menjadikan Malaysia negara yang disegani dalam kancah Badminton dan menjadi pilihan utama untuk menjuarai piala Thomas. Dan tidaklah lagi kita berharap kepada satu-satu pemain sahaja.

Sampai disini sahaja entri kali ini. Jumpa lagi di "Sunday Sunnyday" esok dalam bahasa Inggeris, InsyaAllah.
See you later,
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Saturday 9 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Masjid dan Surau: Tempat Ibadah sahajakah?

Gambar diambil dari sini

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semuapengunjung Infinitesane Daily. Maafkan saya kerana entri kali ini agak pendek kerana saya sangat kecewa dengan mutu pengadilan perlawanan persahabatan Singapura menentang Malaysia sebentar tadi. Singapura terpaksa menggunakan taktik keji apabila referee membuat keputusan berat sebelah dan tak masuk akal sebentar tadi. Ini berlaku disebabkan Singapura sangat tak ingin tewas di gelanggang sendiri. Singapura yang terdesak selepas ketinggalan 2-0 terus menggunakan referee sebagai pemain ke 12 mereka. Saya akan update blog saya satu lagi selepas ini.

Baiklah, kembali ke topik kita. Sejak kebelakangan ini, saya pernah beberapa kali datang ke masjid negeri Shah Alam. Saya tak pasti samada perkara ini telah pun dibuat sebelum ini atau tidak. Perkara yang saya maksudkan ialah dengan lambakan gerai-gerai di dalam kawasan masjid. Orang ramai menjual pelbagai barangan seperti minyak wangi, baju, buku, air, makanan dan sebagainya. Saya tak pernah pula nampak benda ini sebelum ini. Saya memang dah agak lama tidak menjejakkan kaki ke masjid negeri semenjak BN memerintah Selangor lagi. Mungkin andaian saya ini salah tetapi saya andaikan bahawa semenjak PKR pegang Selangor, mungkin mereka yang beri kebenaran kepada peniaga-peniaga tersebut. Pada mulanya saya ingatkan ianya hanya untuk hari Jumaat. Tetapi sewaktu saya menghadiri ceramah Syria beberapa bulan lalu, gerai-gerai ini memang telah dibuka.

Entri ini bukanlah berbaur politik, sepertimana yang saya cakapkan semalam, saya ini tidak menyebelahi mana-mana pihak. Tetapi kalau ada perkara baik, apa salahnya kita kongsi bukan? Pada pendapat saya, saya suka dengan kehadiran peniaga-peniaga di masjid tersebut. Dengan adanya peniaga-peniaga tersebut terasa masjid tersebut lebih meriah dan dapat mengimarahkan masjid tersebut. Surau di depan rumah saya ini, dengar khabar bahawa akan dibuka kedai baju, sebelum ini kedai gunting rambut dan pusat latihan memandu telah pun dibuka.

Namun, sebentar tadi, semasa saya menaiki kereta bersama jiran saya untuk pergi ke solat Jumaat, beliau menyatakan rasa tidak setuju beliau terhadap cadangan tersebut. Saya tidak membantah dan hanya berdiam diri. Saya hormat beliau. Lagipun ia adalah pandangan subjektif. Bagaimana pula dengan pandangan anda? Anda setuju atau tidak yang surau/masjid hanya sebagai tempat beribadah? Sebelum saya menghabiskan entri ini, ini hujah saya; Rasulullah SAW dahulu menjadikan masjid sebagai tempat bermesyuarat tentang strategi perang dan sebagainya. Bukan hanya sebagai tempat beribadah. Mungkin anda ada hujah yang dapat menyangkal hujah saya? Sila berikan komen anda.

Sampai disini sahaja, jumpa lagi esok di "Sporty Saturday", InsyaAllah.
See you tomorrow,
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Friday 8 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Pilihanraya Hampir Tiba! Jangan Lepaskan Peluang!

Imej diambil dari sini

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane Daily. Dalam "Thursday Thriller" kali ini saya ingin berkongsi tentang sesuatu yang pastinya akan berlaku dalam masa terdekat ini.

Seperti dalam tajuk diatas, pastinya anda semua yang mengikuti rancangan-rancangan televisyen amat sedar yang secara tiba-tiba banyak iklan tentang kebaikan kerajaan. Salah satunya ialah iklan "janji ditepati". Pada mulanya, saya ingatkan iklan tersebut adalah iklan raya atau iklan kemerdekaan. Tapi kedua-duanya masih lambat lagi. Iklan-iklan yang disiarkan sangat cantik sinematografinya dan lakonan mantap pelakon yang saya tak kenal, ala-ala iklan Yasmin Ahmad dahulu. Rupa-rupanya iklan "Bantuan Rakyat 1 Malaysia: Janji ditepati". Malah, stesen televisyen "swasta" juga ada menyiarkan iklan "Suara Anda" yang menceritakan kebaikan dan manfaat kerajaan.

Ini semua adalah iklan-iklan propaganda kerajaan menandakan pilihanraya semakin hampir. Jadi apa peluang yang tak patut kita lepaskan? Hahaha...inilah peluangnya nak minta bermacam-macam permintaan daripada kerajaan. Pastinya akan didengari. Selepas terima bantuan, kenalah puji kerajaan melambung tinggi sikit. Harga minyak RON97 turun 10sen, TERIMA KASIH PM... Atlet menembak yang mengandung perlukan bantuan agar dapat membawa suaminya ke Olimpik, dengan segera dapat didengari oleh PM sendiri. Agaknya kalau ini bukan musim pilihanraya, berapa lama agaknya baru PM ambil tahu. Silap-silap rakyat sendiri yang mengumpul dana untuk membantu mereka. Tetapi perkara sudahpun berlaku, TERIMA KASIH PM!

Saya ingat lagi, semasa pilihanraya ke-12 sebelum ini, Pak Lah ada buka laman web supaya rakyat dapat bertanya soalan kepada beliau. Saya ada bertanyakan soalan, tetapi saya agak pasti beliau tak dapat membacanya. Pastinya soalan-soalan tersebut akan ditapis dan barulah akan dijawab oleh beliau atau wakil beliau. Nak tahu apa soalan saya? Saya tanya "kenapa hanya iklan kerajaan sahaja yang disiar di televisyen? Kenapa pembangkang tidak mendapat ruang untuk mempersembahkan manifesto mereka di iklan dan di kaca televisyen? Iklan-iklan kerajaan di TV itu adakah termasuk dalam bajet pilihanraya atau cekup mana-mana sahaja?" Jadi saya suggest bahawa pihak pembangkang dapat hak untuk menyiarkan manifesto mereka melalui iklan dan di kaca tv. Biarkan mereka gunakan bajet yang mereka ada. Takut ke? Perlulah ada garis panduan dalam penyiaran iklan dan manifesto tersebut seperti "tidak dibenarkan memburuk-burukkan pihak lawan dan sebagainya".

Agak malang kerana saya tak dapat mencari sebarang video iklan propaganda tersebut dalam youtube. Jadi tiada buktilah sekiranya anda tidak menonton televisyen.

Perlu saya tekankan disini, saya tidak menyokong mana-mana pihak. Saya tak suka manusia berbalah, memburukkan dan memfitnah orang lain apatah lagi seagama dan sebangsa. Rasulullah S.A.W dahulu berjaya menghapuskan budaya Asabiyyah dalam bangsa Arab. Itulah perkara yang perlu ditekankan. Bukan tak boleh berpolitik, kita tetap memerlukan pemimpin, tetapi cukuplah dengan sekadar memberitahu manifesto dan alasan mengapa seseorang itu layak menjadi pemimpin. Tak perlulah memburukkan orang lain. Tak manis...

Sampai disini sahaja entri kali ini, jumpa lagi esok di "Berkat Jumaat", InsyaAllah.

See you tomorrow,
Hasta mañana,

Thursday 7 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

안녕하세요!, こんばんは, ¡Hola! Nak Belajar Bahasa baru?

Gambar diambail dari sini

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane Daily. Hari ini saya ingin berkongsi salah satu minat saya kepada anda semua. Tapi akan ada "punch line" di hujung entri nanti

Seperti biasa, saya jangkakan entri ini akan pendek kerana saya ada perkara yang saya ingin buat. Tapi biasanya kebanyakan entri saya agak panjang. Semuanya kerana saya gemar menulis. Tapi bukan itu minat yang ingin saya kongsikan. Sebelum itu, saya ingin memberi sedikit penjelasan bahawa minat saya ini bukanlah hobi kerana minat ialah interest manakala hobi pula ialah hobby. Minat saya ingin saya kongsi di sini ialah mempelajari berbagai jenis bahasa.

~Bahasa yang telah dipelajari~

Saya belajar bahasa arab semasa di sekolah agama dahulu. Biasanya pelajar sekolah rendah di persekitaran saya akan menghadiri dua sesi sekolah. Satu ialah sekolah kebangsaan dan satu lagi ialah sekolah agama. Semasa saya bersekolah agama dahulu, saya ada belajar bahasa Arab. Tetapi pada masa itu minat untuk belajar berbagai bahasa masih belum ada dalam diri saya. Tambahan pula bahasa Arab adalah bahasa yang bagi saya sukar. Tapi, mana-mana subjek yang kita tak minat pun adalah subjek yang sukar bukan? Walaupun saya tidak begitu meminati subjek ini pada ketika itu, saya tetap terpilih mewakili sekolah saya dalam pertandingan syarahan bahasa arab, Hahaha... Saya terpilih kerana pengaruh arwah datuk sebelah ibu saya yang merupakan seorang guru besar yang agak berpengaruh di kawasan tersebut. Bila saja saya diketahui bahawa saya adalah cucu beliau, terus sahaja saya dikenali ustazah disitu. Makanya saya hanya menghafal "skrip" syarahan yang disediakan tersebut tanpa memahami maksud teks tersebut. Nasib baiklah saya tidak memenangi pertandingan tersebut. Tetapi sejak saya ada seorang kenalan facebook dari maghribi, dia agak terkejut yang sebagai seorang Islam, saya tidak memahami bahasa arab. Maka kerana kesedaran dari dialah yang menyebabkan saya tertarik untuk belajar bahasa arab semula.

Memasuki ke sekolah menengah, saya dimasukkan ke sekolah berasrama penuh (SBP). Saya tak pasti dengan sekolah biasa yang lain, tetapi di sekolah saya, setiap murid perlu mempelajari bahasa ketiga sehingga ke tingkatan empat dan diberi pilihan samada ingin belajar bahasa Arab, Perancis(sesetengah SBP German) dan Jepun. Saya memilih bahasa Jepun kerana bapa saya pernah pergi ke sana dan saya tertarik dengan kecantikan negara tersebut. Masalahnya, bahasa tersebut menggunakan kanji dalam sistem tulisan mereka. Kanji ialah huruf/simbol yang digunakan dalam bahasa Cina. jepun menggunakan beberapa simbol tersebut dalam bahasa mereka. Dan sehingga kini saya masih terkapai-kapai untuk memahami bahasa Jepun.

Memasuki Universiti, saya memilih untuk mempelajari bahasa Sepanyol. Saya tak tahu kenapa, tapi saya pilih bahasa selain bahasa Jepun kerana saya sudah tahu serba sedikit tentang bahasa Jepun. Yang menariknya, pada permulaan pembelajaran bahasa Sepanyol anda akan berfikir bahawa bahasa ini agak mudah. Tetapi tiada yang mudah dalam dunia ini. Memang, bahasa Sepanyol memang mudah untuk dieja kerana bunyinya tidak berubah seperti bahasa Inggeris dan Perancis. Tetapi semakin dalam anda mempelajari bahasa tersebut, anda akan tahu apa kesukarannya. Kesukarannya adalah dari segi tatabahasanya. Perkataan-perkataannya akan berubah-ubah mengikut peraturan-peraturan tertentu.

Dan, tak lain dan tidak bukan, bahasa Inggeris. Meskipun Bahasa Inggeris ini dikatakan sukar, tetapi di Malaysia bahasa ini digunakan secara meluas dan banyak rancangan di televisyen yang menggunakan bahasa Inggeris. Jadi kita akan "familiarized" dengan bahasa tersebut.


Ini adalah tips untuk membiasakan diri dengan bahasa yang anda pelajari. Sebenarnya ada satu saja tips yang ingin saya beritahu. Ia adalah dengan mencari dan mengikuti rancangan TV, mendengar lagu dan sebagainya. Anda boleh cari di internet benda-benda ini semua. Cuma masalahnya anda tidak tahu apa yang sesuai bukan? Jadi ini adalah lebih kurang macam perlukan nasib jugalah. Contohnya, anda minat cerita/rancangan/lagu Korea, anda boleh mempercepatkan proses pembelajaran anda. Kerana apa yang anda pelajari adalah bahasa formal dan di rancangan TV pula anda akan dengar bahasa tersebut ditutur denga cara yang tidak formal. Serta anda akan dapat membiasakan diri dengan sebutan dan slanga mereka. Semasa di sekolah dahulu, saya tidak ada banyak rujukan sebenarnya kerana internet adalah perkara baru ketika itu. Youtube juga belum ditubuhkan sehingga tahun 2005. Tahun 2005 saya sudahpun berada di tingkatan empat. Begitu juga di Universiti. Saya tidak jumpa rancangan yang saya minat. Saya ada mencari, tapi tak terjumpa. Saya cuba menonton "Sabado Gigante" tetapi tak melekat dengan citarasa saya. Tapi selepas saya tidak lagi pelajari bahasa-bahasa tersebut, barulah saya terjumpa dengan rancangan-rancangan yang saya minat.

Ini adalah rancangan yang jadi rujukan saya:

Bahasa jepun: "Gakkou e Ikou" (Jom ke sekolah) [1997-2008] (ya, rancangan ini bertahan selama 11 tahun)

Bahasa Sepanyol: Saya baru jumpa rancangan ini dan saya baru mengikuti dua episodnya. Dan rancangan ini disiarkan di youtube. Ini episod terbaru:

WWE En Español

Saya menonton rancangan-rancangan yang hebat bukan? "Gakkou e Ikou bertahan selama 11 tahun dan WWE RAW akan menyambut episod ke-1000 mereka 23 Julai ini. Malangnya rancangan-rancangan yang saya tonton ini semuanya saya tonton sendiri dan tiada orang lain yang ingin terima perkongsian saya ini. Hahaha...loser...

Dan sebelum saya terlupa, kalau anda ingin belajar sesuatu bahasa, kalau ada kelapangan, kaji trend bahasa tersebut. Contohnya, anda rasa mereka yang ingin belajar bahasa melayu faham ke istilah "poyo" "apa celop" dan sebagainya? Pasti tidak bukan? Begitu juga dengan bahasa lain. Mereka pastinya ada bahasa pasar dan istilah-istilah baru dalam bahasa mereka.

Sampai disini sahaja, jumpa lagi esok InsyaAllah...

See you tomorrow,
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,


p/s: respect kat profesora yang ajar bahasa sepanyol dulu sebab boleh berbahasa jepun, sepanyol, portugis dan tak tahulah berapa bahasa lagi yang beliau tahu.
pp/s: Punch line yang saya maksudkan ialah dalam banyak-banyak bahasa yang telah saya belajar, hanya bahasa Inggeris sahaja yang saya mampu tuturkan dengan agak fasih. Yang lain, Hmmm...
Wednesday 6 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Twitter: Pengetahuan Asas, Konsep

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today's "Techy Tuesday". First of all, I would like to make an announcement that I'm now officially calling this week as "Malay Week". One week in every month, I'll post all Malay entries for the Malaysian visitors. The concept begin this week. I just thought about that a few hours ago. But, as usual, "Berkat Jumaat" will always regularly written in Malay. So, that is my announcement. And now lets go to our topic. Malay mode: ON

Saya baru-baru ini memberitahu dalam profil facebook saya yang Johan Era membalas twitter saya. Saya tahu, ianya bukanlah sesuatu yang sangat hebat dan boleh dibanggakan. Tetapi bagi saya, ianya tetap satu pencapaian peribadi dalam hidup saya. Hahaha, macam poyo kan? Dalam ruangan komen, saya diberitahu oleh rakan saya yang dia tak tahu menahu tentang penggunaan twitter ini. Abang saya juga memberitahu saya yang dia tidak memahami cara menggunakan twitter ini. Makanya, entri ini akan menceritakan serba sedikit tentang konsep penggunaan twitter. Ianya bukanlah penerangan menyeluruh, anda boleh mencarinya sendiri di google. Tapi, anda tak perlu pun bersusah payah mencari penerangan panjang berjela di internet. Kerana anda tak perlu tahu terlalu banyak pun untuk mendapat faedah dari twitter ini.

~Ayuh Mulakan!~

Mari kita mula dengan muka depan twitter. Anda boleh klik gambar dibawah ini untuk ke laman utama twitter.

Anda boleh mendaftar di laman utamanya, anda boleh customize profil anda di setting. Dan, untuk pengetahuan anda, gambar profil di facebook tidak membenarkan penggunanya memuat naik gambar beranimasi yang biasanya berformat .gif. Bila anda memuat naik gambar beranimasi gif, anda hanya akan mendapat gambar yang tidak bergerak (still image). Tetapi di twitter, setakat entri ini ditulis(5 Jun 2012), mereka membenarkan pengguna menggunakan gambar profil berformat gif yang beranimasi. Silalah lawat laman twitter saya. Saya menggunakan gambar beranimasi gif. Anda boleh klik di butang "Follow Me on Twitter" di kanan atas atau anda boleh klik gambar profil saya dibawah ini:

~Laman Utama Akaun Anda~

Inilah yang akan anda lihat di laman utama akaun anda:

Kalau anda perasan, dalam gambar tersebut ada berbagai-bagai nama akaun seperti tokyohive, Engadget, TechCrunch dan The Star. Itu adalah antara akaun-akaun yang saya "follow". Apabila kita follow sesebuah akaun, apabila mereka "mengupdate" twitter mereka atau istilahnya tweet sesuatu, kita akan dapat mengetahui apa yang mereka tweetkan apabila kita sedang online. Itulah antara faedahnya menggunakan twitter ini. Anda tak perlu aktif, anda hanya perlu "follow" sesuatu untuk mendapat berita atau perkembangan semasa dari mereka yang anda follow itu.

~Tag(@) & Hashtag(#)~

Sekiranya anda pengguna facebook, istilah "tag" sudah tidak asing bagi anda. Konsepnya sama sahaja dengan twitter, cuma simbol (@) itu tidak hilang seperti di facebook. Manakala, untuk Hashtag(#) pula, ianya adalah topik. Topik tersebut mungkin akan menjadi trend di dalam "dunia twitter" apabila semakin ramai pengguna menggunakan (#TopikAnda) dalam "tweet" mereka. Anda boleh sertai sesebuah topik dengan mencari(search) topik tersebut dalam ruangan carian. Ini adalah topik (#RAW) yang saya lihat dan sertai pagi tadi semasa menonton WWE RAW secara live:


Akhir sekali, istilah "retweet" ini adalah apabila kita terjumpa sesebuah tweet yang menarik, kita ingin berkongsi dengan orang yang "follow" kita, maka kita retweet tweet tersebut.

Itu sahaja yang dapat saya kongsikan, saya juga salah seorang yang tiada pengetahuan langsung mengenai twitter ini apabila saya membuka akaun twitter saya. Tujuan saya membuka twitter adalah untuk laman blog inilah. Jadi, teruskan explore, dan semoga anda dapat manfaat dari twitter.
Tuesday 5 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Astro First Tidaklah Seburuk Yang Disangka

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada semua pengunjung Infinitesane Daily. Ini adalah entri pertama dalam Bahasa Melayu semenjak Infinitesane Daily dilancarkan. Dalam "Mega Monday" hari ini saya ingin membincangkan tentang isu "Astro First".

Seperti biasa, saya rasa mungkin entri ini tidak panjang. Tetapi biasanya bila saya beritahu sesebuah entri itu tidak panjang, ia akan jadi panjang berjela juga. Tak apalah.

Hari ini saya ada terbaca satu kolum dan kolumn tersebut ditulis oleh Pengarang Hiburan Berita Harian, Zainuri Misfar. Anda pernah tonton "Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah"? Yang bawa ambulan yang selalu cakap "bala ni, bala ni..." Ha, yang itulah orang yang saya maksudkan. Beliau menyatakan rasa tidak puas hatinya terhadap "Astro First" yang sering menayangkan filem-filem baru di pawagam.

~Salah faham~

Pada pendapat saya, beliau tidak pernah mencuba melanggan servis Astro First ini. Ini kerana, Astro First bukanlah seperti Astro Citra yang menayangkan filem-filem yang sudah lama di pasaran, tetapi Astro First menayangkan cerita-cerita baru dan sedang ditayangkan di pawagam. Dan filem yang ditayangkan tersebut hanya boleh ditonton selama dua hari, bukan seperti Astro Box Office yang juga perlu dilanggan tetapi ditayangkan berterusan selama sebulan. Astro First juga akan menggantikan filem-filem tersebut dengan filem-filem yang lain, maksudnya akan ada tamat tempoh pelanggan untuk melanggan sesebuah filem itu. Cadangan kolumnis itu untuk menunggu selama enam bulan selepas tarikh tayangan adalah sangat tidak relevan kerana Astro First ini sememangnya menekankan aspek eksklusif dalam filem-filem yang ditayangkan. Sekiranya perlu menunggu selama 6 bulan, itu tidaklah lagi eksklusif. Baik ia hanya ditayangkan di Astro Box Office atau Astro Citra sahaja.

~Kebaikan Astro First~

Beliau berpandangan bahawa ianya akan mengurangkan sambutan penonton di pawagam juga adalah separuh betul. Saya adalah seorang yang gemar menonton wayang di panggung wayang, tetapi saya juga pernah melanggan Astro First kerana tiada masa. Jadi, itu satu kelebihan kepada penonton. Kedua, pernahkah beliau pergi menonton wayang dan ada pengunjung membawa anak kecil dan mereka menangis semasa wayang ditayangkan? Niat mereka memang baik kerana ingin datang menonton wayang di pawagam, tetapi bila anaknya meragam dan bukan salah mereka, saya rasa sangat terganggu dan tak dapat menumpukan perhatian terhadap cerita yang sedang saya tonton itu. Mungkin penulis tersebut tak pernah mengalami situasi sedemikian, tetapi saya selalu mengalaminya. Jadi, dengan adanya Astro First, mereka dapat melanggan dan menonton di rumah selama dua hari, sekiranya anak mereka meragam di rumah.

~Saya bukan orang Astro!~

Tujuan saya menulis ini bukanlah untuk membela Astro, saya juga tidak berpuas hati dengan beberapa servis Astro. Cuma saya ingin tekankan bahawa Astro First memberi peluang kepada penonton untuk menonton filem pada bila-bila masa yang mereka suka. Jadi, ianya adalah situasi menang-menang juga. Siapa dapat menafikan bahawa menonton filem di panggung wayang lebih puas dengan sistem bunyi yang hebat, dan kini filem-filem 3D yang masih belum boleh ditonton di televisyen. Saya, saya masih berat untuk memilih menonton di panggung wayang. Jadi tak perlu anda risau.

Sampai disini sahaja, bertemu lagi kita di esok hari, InsyaAllah,
See you tomorrow,
Hasta mañana,

Monday 4 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Is This Year Gonna Be a Good Year for Wrestling Fans?

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Sunday Sunnyday". I decided not to write "this week on WWE" much because it will certainly be a looong entry. So, I've decided to pick certain topic only.

There are a few interesting topic to be told here. Basically today is about "Is this year gonna be a great year for wrestling fans?" and a few more issues.

Before I go with the main topic, let's start with another few issues. First let's talk about Jericho-Orton feud that I said last week? I said that I would like to see Orton feud after Jericho suspended after denigrating the Brazilian flag [source]? Well the next day after RAW, I found out on the wwe website that Orton is now suspended for 60 days for his second violation of the WWE Wellness Policy.[source]. It's twice longer than Jericho suspension. And this bring the next point in this entry.

I now would like to talk about Dolph Ziggler. Many fans and me myself think that WWE should push Ziggler because he is so talented, he sell very well and he can put up a great show. In this week RAW he said he want to be like Orton which seems like he'll be the replacement for the Jericho abcense. Unfortunately, now Orton is suspended too. But, by judging his performance on SmackDown against Sheamus, it validates people judgement that he need to be pushed by WWE. Just see this sign:

Well, that is not the sign of the week. It's just a sign telling WWE to push Ziggler.

Brodus Clay at last, almost got his first loss when he challenged Big Show. Fortunately, Big Show destroy him before the match even started.

Sin Cara returns, but no "jump-inside-the-ring" entrance. Maybe he's being cautious about his recently recovered injury? But, it just a mediocre match. I wonder how will he develop a feud when he can't speak English much? Hunico can speak English quite well and I can say he's much better than Sin Cara in terms of his opportunities.

And to our main topic, is about this year, 2012. TNA and ROH will be celebrating their 10th anniversary and starting from last week, TNA Impact! was airing live at 8/7 CT. TNA Pay-Per-View (PPV) "Slammiversary", well the 10th edition will be on next Sunday. And the next Sunday, WWE "No Way Out" will be the next PPV. And the next Sunday, ROH "Best in the World" will be aired in PPV. We only can watch WWE PPV in Malaysia. As for the WWE, RAW has set up a new benchmark when they celebrate their 1000 episodes this July 23. It will be 3 hours RAW each week from that week on. I can't imagine what will WWE "feed" us in the 3 hours time. Because, now RAW show has their good/boring show. I wonder if the show is going to be a boring show, it will be an excruciating time for me.

Lastly, it's "Tweet & Sign of the Week". I'm quite disappointed because I didn't follow much the conversation when I watch the show. Fortunately, I've saved some tweet from RAW show 2 weeks ago. Here it is:

And the sign of the week is:

Nothing much actually about that sign, It's just the creativity caught my attention. And if you didn't quite get what was written at the end of the sign, it says "Best in the World". CM Punk always refer himself as the best wrestler in the world.

That's all for now. I'll talk about No Way Out next week. See you all tomorrow, InsyaAllah.
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,


p/s: I don't give a damn about Cena match. I don't know. It didn't excite me. But, Heel Big Show is much better than face Big Show.
Sunday 3 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

[UPDATE !] E2: Zulfahmi Denied His First Podium!

This is the print-screen result from motoGP website:

I don't know what is his problem, maybe he's having problems with his machine or maybe his strategy doesn't work out. He was manage to climb back to the second position twice! And he's been trailing from 11th position to the second position! I hope he'll do better next time.

Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Congratulation Zulfahmi! 2nd Place on the Starting Grid!

Assalamualaikum and welcome to today "Sporty Saturday". It's been quite late now, so I'm just going to post a short entry about Malaysian Moto3 rider, Zulfahmi Khairuddin currently competing in the Gran Premi Aperol de Catalunya in Spain. This is the result until the 20th place. I print-screened it from motogp official website.

Well, personally I hope Zulfahmi can win this race or at least finish on the podium for the first time. I pray for his best.

Until then, see you tomorrow on "Sunday Sunnyday". Got a lot issues to say.
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

Saturday 2 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

Polygamy = Polemics?

Photo was found here

Assalamualaikum and a very good Friday. I guess today I'll write this "Berkat Jumaat" entry in English. Plus, this is the first "Berkat Jumaat" in Infinitesane Daily. So again, I expect this entry will gonna be quite short. And it is almost a new day here, so I must write fast. This entry was meant to educate and clarify the misunderstanding.

So, yesterday I was browsing the net and stumble into this article. So, it's a game that will be released I don't know when but it's a new game. I don't want to judge the game yet because I didn't experience the game. Plus, I'm not that type of gamer. I only play Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 below. So, I'm not much a gamer. But, I think I want to try play it sometime. So, I'm not going to talk about the game. What I want to talk about is the responses from the article.

In the responses, some of them asking whether they can have four wives because one of the screenshot showing "wives" instead of "wife". I would like to clarify the situation because they ask the question as it is a bad thing. Well, I think they're just jealous because they can't have more than one wife at a time. It is not a bad thing guys. I want to have more wives but I can't. Because there are a lot of qualification to have another wife. I'm not gonna state it here because it'll cost my time. But the point is, it's not that easy. The polemic here is it gonna degrading women? It's not degrading women. Just look at this print screen image I found here

See? There are more women in the world. But according to the image, Malaysia still have more male than female. So, polygamy is one of the solution of avoiding homosexuality. You know what I mean right?

I was saying in the paragraph before that polygamy is not easy as some of you think. You need to be fair to each wives. That is hard. If you can't do that, don't do polygamy. So, how this is going to be a degrading? It saves us from homosexuality, If you can't be fair you couldn't do polygamy. And of course you need permission from the elder wife before you get another wife. But, eloped is not count.

With that, I'll see you tomorrow, InsyaAllah.
Hasta mañana,
Mata ashita,

P/S: So, anybody wanna be my wives? Nobody?
Friday 1 June 2012
Posted by Infinitesane 2.0

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